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You Can Negotiate Anything


The first thing you should know about negotiating is that everything is fair game, not just cars and houses. It does not matter the country you are or the thing you are interested in, negotiation is about getting the best deal possible in each circumstance.

Ask to Speak with the person who has a personal interest on the thing you want to negotiate.

Most sales employees don’t have a personal interest to sell or not  . Most of the time they’re getting paid independently on the sales, and your purchases won’t put any more money in their pocket. That is the importance to find the person at the store or company who will directly benefit from the sale, like the owner of the business or the higher person in the hierarchy you can get.




Keep a Poker Face


It does not matter how much do you want the pie, if you show too much interest the counterpart would have little incentive to negotiate. You have to always keep cool and display little interest in the pie. Another important trick is to compare the pie with similar products as the strength of your negotiation position relies on your actual alternatives to this deal. As a buyer you should never fixate in a single product. On the contrary if you are in the position of seller you should look for as many potential buyers as possible.




Don’t Make the First Offer and Don’t Negotiate with Yourself


In the negotiation art is more important to listen than to be listened. Whether you are buying or selling, you never want to make the first offer. Why? Because the other party may offer a price that is a much better deal than what you initially had in mind.  

And also don't negotiate with yourself, in the sense that after your offer you have to wait for the counterpart But once you have made your offer, do not volunteer another price unless and until the other party has responded with a counteroffer. Expect the negotiations to be a back-and-forth process, but remain confident throughout.





Do you have any items that might be of interest to the seller? Could you offer some services that would be of value to the seller? Consider making a trade to eliminate or significantly offset the need for actual dollars in a transaction. The idea is to use creativity in order to reach a deal that might otherwise not come to fruition.

Use Silence and Time as a Tactic

Never respond too quickly to an offer. Pausing or even suspending negotiations can convey that you’re not desperate to close the deal and that you have other options. Silence can force a surprising amount of pressure on the other party as well.




Be Willing to Walk Away


In every negotiation you have to previous establish the minimum part of the pie that you will be capable to accept. It is crucial to do it before the parts start to negotiate, in order to delimit it through a rational base. Once you have pointed out the minimum value of acceptance, during the negotiation your value fork may variate, only if there is new information that you had not considered before. Therefore, as a part, you have to be capable and open to left the table if you considered that you can obtain better results through the alternatives.


As an expert negotiator, you will face different situations that can seem adverse to you, and you need to make them turn around in your favor. The best way to do so is being able to address the problem from different points of view, and then adapting them so that your counterpart is willing to make concessions.


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