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There are different theories that we have to consider when dividing the pie, from the basic ones we have selected three: The split theory, the proportional division theory and the divided cloth.


The split principle consists on dividing the pie in equal slices for each negotiator. The underlying idea is that both sides need each other in the same proportions. Therefore, the output from collaboration shall be divided in the same proportions between negotiators, no matter what the input was.




A produces 1

B produces 2

Together they produce 9

Therefore, the pie is of size 6

The split theory suggests that the pie shall be divided in equal proportions (3 and 3).


The proportional division principle is based on the assumption that every part shall obtain a proportional slice of the pie according to what was the initial contribution.




A produces 1

B produces 2

Together they produce 9

Therefore, the pie is of size 6

The proportional division theory suggests that the pie shall be divided in 2 for A and 4 for B.


The principle of the divided cloth is based in the Babylonian Talmud. It is a principle that allows the parts to distribute the slice in dispute by identifying the part of the pie in conflict and split it into two equal slices.


To better understand this principle, see the next video:


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